Saturday, November 28, 2020

The talk in Australia

What are people saying in Australia about the current controversy over alleged crimes in Afghanistan? For a cross-section see these comments from the Weekend Australian. [Possible paywall issue for repeat visits.] Crowdfunding for civilian defense counsel, anyone? Or UCI? Excerpt:
Some may be guilty of war crimes and some may be innocent, but they all deserve their day in an appropriate court. It is morally wrong to tar all with the same brush.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has apologised to his Afghani counterpart for these alleged war crimes and offered compensation. Chief of the Defence Force General Angus Campbell has threatened to disband an SAS Squadron, remove a unit citation, remove awards (mass punishment) and pay compensation. All of this has been done before any crime has been proved. Have we forgotten “a person is deemed to be innocent until proven guilty”?
The Prime Minister and the CDF should now ask the Australian people for forgiveness for the stance they have taken. I expect senior counsel will have a ball with both gentlemen when this case gets to court. Could they have influenced the views of prospective jurors?

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