Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Victory for a civil guard in Spain

A member of the Guardia Civil has won his appeal to the Fifth Chamber of the Supreme Court of Spain. Details can be found here on the website of the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC). The union's account includes the following:
From AUGC we insist on the need to stop applying the Military Penal Code to civil guards since they already have a disciplinary regime severe enough to punish this type of act, instead of subjecting these public servants to an anachronistic Military Penal Code, out of place in the police field and little in line with the current era and the countries around us, taking into account that we are a body in which 99% of our missions are police.

It should be remembered that in 2007 it was already established that the CPM would only apply to civil guards in four cases (mentioned below) but that the 2016 reform of the CPM represented a huge step backwards in their rights. For this reason we request the deletion of article 1, section 5, which applies to members of the Civil Guard, so that this rule is strictly applicable in cases of:
a) In times of armed conflict. 
b) During the validity of the state of siege.
c) In the fulfillment of military missions entrusted to them.
d) While they are integrated into Units of the Armed Forces.

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