Sunday, July 22, 2018

Speech(es) on military justice in New Zealand's Parliament

The Military Justice Legislation Amendment Bill recently passed its second reading in New Zealand's Parliament.  It is scheduled to be considered by the Committee of the Whole House - the penultimate stage in the House - this week.  The parliamentary website describes the purpose of the Bill as being "to update the military justice system and to align it with the criminal justice system by enhancing victims’ rights, amending the Armed Forces Discipline Act 1971, the Court Martial Act 2007, and the Court Martial Appeals Act 1953".  More detail on the Bill and the parliamentary process followed to date can be found here.  There were a number of interesting speeches on the second reading, however the speech of backbench Government MP, Dr Duncan Webb MP (a lawyer and member of Parliament's Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade committee) may be of wider interest to the readers of this blog.  You can watch the speech here.

1 comment:

  1. The Bill passed smoothly through the Committee of the Whole House this morning.


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