David Munguía Payes, the Minister of Defense, called the
ruling “a political error” and warned that the judgement would “turn the
country upside down.” President Salvador
Sanchez Ceren also criticized the Supreme Court’s decision. Since he was part of the FMLN’s command
structure during the war, he could theoretically face prosecution. Both the Salvadoran army and rebel fighters
from the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), which is now the
ruling party, have been accused of atrocities. The President stated: “These
statements ignore, or do not measure the effects they may have on the fragile
coexistence that exists within our society.”
Among the cases that could be reopened or investigated are
the slaughter of six Jesuit priests and two of their employees (1989), the
slaughter of more than 1,000 peasant farmers in El Mozote (1981), and the
assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero (1980).
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in its judgment in
the El Mozote case (Judgment of October 25, 2012) called on El Salvador to
never again let the Amnesty Law impede the investigation, prosecution and
punishment of those responsible for grave human rights violations during the
armed conflict. The Salvadoran Supreme
Court made extensive reference to the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court
in this landmark decision. Florentin Melendez, one of the judges of the
Constitutional Chamber, was a former member of the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights (2004-2009). In 2009 he was
named to the Salvadoran Supreme Court.
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