Or, "out of the frying pan and into the fire"? These may be the apt metaphors when considering the recent Kabaziguruka decision of the Supreme Court of Uganda barring the military trial of civilians. In the case of Dr. Kizza Besigye, whose court-martial for "treachery" was pending, it means that he now stands charged with rthe capital offense of treason, to be tried in civilian court. Andrew M. Mwenda writes in The Independent:
This is where Besigye’s lack of strategy becomes evident. If he wants to expose Museveni as a tyrant, the best proof was for Besigye to be tried in a military court martial. This was the more attractive because the Chief of Defense Staff (CDF) who is the head of the military (and therefore oversees the court martial) and is also the son of the president, has already convicted Besigye and sentenced him to death on Twitter (X). This was the golden opportunity to keep the trial in the court martial only to expose the tyranny he claims to be fighting. If the court martial sentenced him to death, exactly what the CDF had already done, his case would have been complete.
Now, for political reasons, it would be most unlikely that Museveni would hang Besigye. In fact, it is very likely that the court martial would have given Besigye a lenient sentence since he was accused of “treachery” – whatever that means. However, Besigye’s best strategy was not to seek proper justice with due process. Doing so defeats his claim that he is in a political struggle against a tyrant who disrespects the rule of law, disregards due process and runs roughshod over the rights of citizens.
A revolutionary in Besigye’s shoes would have turned the court martial into his political rostrum. He would have declared his political aim as liberating Uganda from tyranny. He would have said there is no other way to liberate Uganda except through armed insurrection and political assassination. Then he would conclude by saying he is willing to die in the struggle to liberate the country from the tyranny and incompetence of family rule.
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