Further information about emerging plans to amend the Military Trial Act and revive military courts in Taiwan can be found here. Excerpt:
“The government would also make major revisions to the part of the previous military court system that was widely criticized and inconsistent with the Constitution. Once reinstated, the military court should be a system allowing fair trials, protecting human rights with due processes and fulfilling the requirements in the constitution, while maintaining order and discipline in the military. Professionals in the military trial system should receive training and adjudicate independently,” [spokesperson Michelle] Lee said.
Asked about the difference in penalties that would be imposed on retired military personnel and those on active duty, Lee said that they would undergo different trial procedures, adding that judges would decide the types of criminal trials that a person should undergo based on facts.
Contradictions in rulings between the military and civilian courts could be avoided through investigation of evidence and the three levels of the court system, she said.
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