Monday, August 5, 2024

Call for Speakers for a NIMJ Panel: "The Guantanamo Plea Deals"

Last week saw the announcement of plea agreements in three major Military Commissions cases that took the death penalty off the table, only for the deals to be rescinded days later when the Secretary of Defense withheld the cases to his level and announced that the deals were off.

NIMJ will host a public zoom panel discussion this Friday at noon U.S. EST on the Guantanamo plea deals, the switcheroo, and the current state of play of the Military Commissions.

To promote a robust and diverse exchange of views, NIMJ invites its members and members of the public to speak on this panel. Email NIMJ President Frank Rosenblatt at by this Wednesday at 5pm EST with a short summary of your expertise and perspective. Selected speakers will be notified by Wednesday evening.

Zoom link for Friday:

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