Soldiers wait years before having
their grievances adjudicated |
The historic right to grieve given to Canadian soldiers is seriously compromised. In an unprecedented move
, General Jon Vance, the Chief of the Defence Staff, has now delegated most of his powers to determine a grievance to his subordinates down the chain of command reinforcing the distance between the high command and the rank and file. Also, the grievance system is riddled with delays. The average time to adjudicate a grievance at the first level is upwards to12 months. Worse, there is no statutory time limit for the adjudication of a grievance at the Final Authority level. However, the average wait is expressed in years.
The cumulative impact of all this on the morale of soldiers is anything but good.
This matter is addressed in the book "
Gilles Létourneau and Prof.
Michel Drapeau.
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