Military Justice In Action - 2nd Edition Justice (ret'd) Gilles Létourneau and Professor Michel W. Drapeau |
The new edition of Military Justice in Action updates the first edition by including
the recent legislative amendments and jurisprudence. However, as Professor
Eugene Fidell, who wrote the Preface points out, the book "goes far beyond
that by offering a critique of aspects of Canadian military justice over which the waves of changes are only now beginning to wash. For example, the book takes dead aim at the system of
summary trials. It also usefully highlights the gulf that separates serving
personnel from civilians in terms of the rights conferred by the
Charter.".... It highlights "how the civilian and the military
justice systems seem at times to occupy different ice floes that may drift
further apart from one another than practical considerations demand".
The book is published by Carswell, a Thomson Reuters company.
Further details available at this link. It will be available from the Publisher in mid-January 2015.
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