Thursday, September 12, 2024

"Stripped of medals" reports: Several serving and former Australian military commanders have been stripped of medals over allegations of war crimes committed during the Afghanistan war, Defense Minister Richard Marles said Thursday.

Holding commanders to account for alleged misconduct of Australian special forces between 2005 and 2016 was recommended by Maj. Gen. Paul Brereton in his war crimes investigation. Brereton found that around 25 Australian Special Air Service Regiment and Commando Regiment troops were involved in the unlawful killing of 39 Afghans.

The revocation of military medals is not new, even VC's have been taken back. Allegedly the first VC taken back was because the holder had stolen another officer's medals. Here, we asked if the recent conviction and resignation of Major General Roddis would result in his medals being taken back.

See also Dave Hunt, Stripping medals from soldiers is murky territory, and must not distract from investigating alleged war crimes. The Conversation, 14 June 2023.

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