Saturday, May 11, 2024

Inter-Services Organisations (Command, Control & Discipline) Act implemented in India

The Government of India has issued the implementation notification for the Inter-Services Organisations (Command, Control & Discipline) Act, 2023 with effect from 10 May 2024.

The Act was passed with a view to streamline discipline for Inter-Services Organisations where personnel of the Army, Navy and the Air Force serve together. It may be noted that the necessity of this Act arose since the defence services have separate Acts in India, not a joint code, and therefore powers needed to be clarified and vested in officers commanding mixed body of troops rather than the ones mentioned in the separate respective Acts. 

For example, the Army Act may vest certain powers in the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief holding the rank of Lt Gen with respect to certain troops, but an Inter-Services Organisation (Joint/Purple organisation) may practically be having a Vice Admiral at the helm as the Commander-in-Chief. 

A related 2021 opinion piece jointly authored by the Editor-in-Chief along with another editor of this blog, on the subject of the desirability of a common disciplinary code in India can be accessed here. 

The Act can be accessed here.

The official press release by the Government of India can be accessed here.

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