Thursday, May 9, 2024

Criminal justice reform finds its way to the VA

Great news for veterans with bad paper for minor offenses. According to Stars and Stripes, "Veterans who left miliary service with an other-than-honorable discharge or after a special court-martial for misdemeanor offenses will be eligible for the first time for veterans’ health care and benefits following a rule change announced Thursday by the Department of Veterans Affairs."

This appears part of an American trend over the last 10 years, of more leniency for miscreants. As a soft hearted man, I'm happy for the veterans who can take advantage of the change. But I'm a little concerned for Trial Defense Attorneys in the Uniformed Services who are more limited in preventing bad paper. It will be tougher to play the heartstrings of separation authorities, board members, and military judges when asking to take it easy on servicemembers so they won't lose much needed VA benefits. Guess we will just have to think of different arguments then. 

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