
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Should Taiwan's military justice system be restored?

Here is an op-ed by a professor who thinks it should be. Excerpt:

The establishment and application of a country’s military strength hinges on the government’s national security strategy and war preparedness. The power of the military is determined by balance in war preparedness, capable soldiers and a sound court martial system.

Only when there is a military court system in place that operates properly during peacetime can military strength be maintained during wartime. If members of the armed forces desert, disobey orders or do anything that infringes on military discipline, the survival of the nation is jeopardized. This cannot be tolerated or the military’s morale and cohesion would be undermined and it would not be able to stand and fight.

If that is the case, what is the point of having a military at all?

At this critical time, with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army imposing military pressure in the Taiwan Strait, military personnel who are well-versed in the culture and military affairs surely know how to make proper arrangements regarding investigating, detaining and sentencing military offenders.

Maintenance of military discipline must be emphasized to cater to the needs of individual regiments.

The restoration of the court martial system must be considered, especially the restoration of military prosecutors.

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