
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A positive change in Algeria?

Nadia Tahanout has written this article on Judicial jurisdiction in crimes endangering national security between military courts and ordinary courts, 4 J. Knowledge & Sci. Horizons No. 1 (2024). Abstract:

Military justice is specialized in examining all military crimes as defined by its laws, including those affecting national security, in addition to offenses stipulated by criminal law committed by civilians. This study aims to delineate the jurisdiction of military courts within the framework of these serious crimes, especially after the Algerian legislature changed its stance and amended the military judiciary law under law 18-14, revoking the third paragraph of article 25, which expanded the jurisdiction of military courts in trying civilians committing crimes endangering national security. Post-amendment, this jurisdiction is now within the purview of regular criminal courts, affirming the litigants' right to a fair trial.

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