
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Mandatory vaccination: issue to be decided in Italy's courts

Elisabetta Barbadoro writes here about the constitutional issues arising from Italy's mandatory vaccination program as applied to the armed forces. Excerpt (with an assist from Google Translate):

The legal question, in short, is more or less always the same, with the necessary variations, and concerns the balance between the inalienable rights of individuals and the protection of public health. If on the one hand the Constitution admits the possibility of establishing by law the obligation of medical treatment, we must ask ourselves whether this obligation, in particular, is useful in protecting public health and whether it is respectful of health and human dignity. On this, science, with the latest publications, seems to suggest some answers, between the lines of recent evidence on efficacy and safety of anti-Covid19 serums. But the final word will be up to the judges of the Constitutional Court.

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