
Monday, November 1, 2021

More military trials of civilians coming in Egypt

Egypt's parliament has approved a law that will continue military court jurisdiction over certain offenses by civilians. According to this report:

Article Two of the law states that those accused of attacking public and vital establishments will be referred to military courts.

Mamdouh Shain, assistant to Minister of Defence for constitutional and legal affairs, explained the changes, indicating that "civilians will face trial before military courts only if they attack public and vital establishments such as the radio and television buildings and the House of Representatives building."

"Let me indicate that not all establishments and buildings are public or vital, and so we have issued decrees indicating in detail the list of the names of public and vital establishments which will be protected and safeguarded by the armed forces," said Shahin.

Human rights jurisprudence strongly disfavors the trial of civilians by military courts. 

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