
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Stop the presses!

The delightful clink of champagne flutes was heard just now in the glass-enclosed newsroom high above Global Military Justice Reform Plaza as we celebrate . . . drum roll . . . our one-millionth hit. Let's put down our glasses long enough to run the numbers:

Hits, 1,000,000
Jurisdictions, 191
Posts, 6234
Comments, 934
Town Halls, 18
Contributors, 26
Editor, 1

Global Military Justice Reform was launched on January 12, 2014.

Many thanks to the contributors, commenters, readers, public officials, and scholars around the world who have carried forward the task of military justice law reform.


  1. Congratulations!!! Great achievement. And, many thanks.

  2. Congrats, Gene! Hope you keep it going!

  3. Huge congratulations to our Maestro, Gene. Leadership at work. Proud and happy to follow his lead in this important multi-national projet. NIL SINE LABORE. MWD

  4. Thanks, friends. You all are magnificent!


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