
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Trouble in Madrid

A chamber of the Supreme Court of Spain has invalidated the appointment of two judges to the court's Military Chamber. According to this report, the process by which they were chosen by the General Council of the Judicial Power had omitted a critical step. Excerpt:

The ruling refers to the proposal of two candidates for each of the positions that preceded the appointment, and highlights that the agreement of the Permanent Commission of November 21, 2019 justified the proposal of two names, despite the fact that it considered "suitable" for the square to four candidates; "With very similar potentialities." The ruling concludes that “what they could not do was simply dispense with the legal requirements and make an amicable compromise with both positions, two candidates for each of them, a decision that opens the door to all kinds of possible speculations about the selection of each of the pairs , just the opposite of the will of the legislator to objectify the criteria that should guide these appointments , outside of the nucleus of broad discretion that they entail regarding the decision of the Plenary on the candidate to ultimately promote for the position".

An unsuccessful candidate for a seat on the Military Chamber had objected, leading to the court's decision.

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