
Monday, September 21, 2020

Military justice, other

Hard to know what to file this under (hazing? stupidity?), but the operative words here are: "Major David Landon said he had to either sing the squadron’s song or tackle a burning fire pit." We won't spoil the fun; go read the story.


  1. This might seem like a oddball story, but it actually raises important and long standing issues of military law.

    The news article doesn't specify what the charge was. Certainly, the case raises issues about an officer's duty to his troops, and whether Major Landon's conduct was prejudicial to good order and discipline, and what that notorious phrase actually means.

  2. Stupidity ... definitely stupidity. On everyone's part.

    While Major Landon does not appear to have issued an order that obliged the corporal to self-harm - after all, there was a less harmful option - the order was one that perpetuates and encourages problematic conduct. By permitting the farce to continue, even after the corporal chose imprudent action, I think the OC did prejudice good order and discipline. Regrettably, some might look at this scenario as one that would contribute to sub-unit cohesion and morale. It is a fine line, but this clearly encouraged juvenile behaviour. So, what are the chances that alcohol was a factor?


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