
Thursday, April 2, 2020

COVID-19 and military justice (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces)

United States Court of Appeals
for the Armed Forces 
Washington, D.C.

In Re:

RESCHEDULING OF                                NOTICE AND ORDER                  

          By Order of the Court dated March 30, 2020, the five hearings previously scheduled for April 20-22 were postponed pending further Order of the Court.

          Per Order of the Chief Judge, these cases will be called for hearing beginning on the June 2, 2020 date that has long been on the Court’s calendar. Wednesday, June 3 and Thursday, June 4 are now added as additional hearing dates for these cases.

          Prior to rescheduling, the Court will entertain consent motions from the parties to forgo oral argument, if counsel for both sides wish the Court to decide the cases on brief, with said motions due no later than Monday, April 20, 2020. The Court may or may not grant the motion. In the absence of a joined motion dispensing with oral argument, counsel are advised that the pending cases of Watkins 19- 0376/MC, Armendariz 19-0437/MC, Bergdahl 19-0406/AR, Reyes 19- 0339/AR and Blackburn, 20-0071/AF will be set for hearing June 2, 3 and 4, 2020, by updated hearing notices pertaining to each case.

                                                                            For the Court,

                                                                      /s/ Joseph R. Perlak
                                                                            Clerk of the Court

          April 2, 2020

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