
Friday, January 10, 2020

Stormy weather

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces has posted the following stormy weather notice:
Court Closure Guidance

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces will be closed for weather conditions when the Office of Personnel Management ( announces that federal offices in the Washington, DC, area are closed.

If this should occur on a scheduled hearing day, counsel should anticipate their case being called the very next day the Court is open or shortly thereafter.

In the event OPM authorizes a two-hour delay in reporting on a scheduled hearing day, the hearings will not be impacted by the two hour delay and will be called as scheduled.

When forecasted weather conditions are in play for a scheduled hearing day, counsel are requested to contact the office of the Clerk a day or two prior and provide a contact number and email address for use in the event rescheduling is required and workplace contact cannot be made due to closures on bases and at this Court.

In the event of an OPM-ordered closure, pleadings due on the closure day will be considered timely filed if filed on the next day the Court is open.

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