
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Faith and uniforms: no "medieval horse-militia" need apply

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) has issued a strong statement on the case of Major Fatima Isaacs, a Defence Force officer whose hijab has become a bone of contention. Excerpt:
The Minister of Defence indicated in her recent budget vote that she had requested the Chief of the SANDF to resolve this matter; the fact that this matter is now before the court and Major Isaacs’ career and constitutional rights are threatened is a shameful indictment upon the Minister and Chief of the SANDF. The President of the Republic must instruct them to drop this case with immediate effect and to apologise to Major Isaacs for their shocking behaviour.

Otherwise, Major Isaacs must take this matter to the Constitutional Court because COSATU is confident that these idiots will be excoriated and given a lecture by the court and it will remind them that the SANDF is not a medieval horse-militia that embraces antiquated and anachronistic methods.

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