
Monday, July 16, 2018

Transparency watch: the Kafr Qasem record of trial hearing

The Israeli Military Court of Appeals is conducting a proceeding to determine whether the record of trial of border policemen prosecuted as a result of a 1956 massacre should be opened to the public. Haaretz's Ofer Aderet has the story here. Excerpt:
In hearings behind closed doors over the past few months, numerous government officials, including the Foreign Ministry, the military censor, the state archivist and the army archivist gave testimony. The military prosecutor is opposed to making the information public. The main reasons were given behind closed doors, but the general grounds were stated as follows: “At this time, any additional revelation of the minutes from the Kafr Qasem trial, beyond those that the public can already examine, will harm the security of the state, its foreign relations, and in certain cases will certainly compromise people’s privacy and well-being, precluding release of the material from a legal standpoint.”

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