
Sunday, March 18, 2018

A view from Guantánamo

Two Yale Law School students, Aisha I. Saad and Zoe A.Y. Weinberg, who went to Guantánamo as military commission observers under the aegis of the National Institute of Military Justice, have this thought-provoking op-ed in the March 15, 2018 for The New York Times. Writing in their personal capacity, they comment:
Now that the Trump administration has raised the possibility that it may add to the ranks of detainees, Americans no longer have the luxury of forgetting about Guantánamo. We need to end this failed judicial experiment. No new cases should be brought to Guantánamo. Instead, they should be brought to federal courts, which already handle complex terrorism-related cases and allow for better civilian oversight and press access. And the Pentagon must open the door to plea deals when appropriate and honor those that have already been struck; they may be the only real hope for closing cases tainted by torture.

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