
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Testimony about torture in Gambian court-martial

The Gambian court-martial continues, as does the excellent courtroom coverage. Here is the latest account, detailing testimony last week about torture. Excerpt:
"My hands were cuffed and my legs were tied and my head was forced into a pan full with water" [Lieut. Yaya Jammeh] said.

"After my head was pulled from the pan, I was asked to give a different statement but I still maintained my position. I still maintained my position that I know nothing taking place at the time" he said.

He continued in evidence in chief that his private part was tied so that it was difficult to pass urine out. He added that one of those who tortured him was his junior in the military who was Lieutenant Yusupha Jallow who was an investigator and now a prosecutor.

"There is nowhere in the GAF ethics that a junior should look at the private part of his senior talk less of torturing a senior" he said.

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