
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Big UCMJ changes coming

Last December, Congress passed the Military Justice Act of 2016, which then-President Barack Obama subsequently signed. Senator John McCain noted that the Act “constitute[d] the most significant reforms to the Uniform Code of Military Justice since it was enacted.” The Executive Branch released draft implementing regulations on July 11, 2017, with a goal of issuing the final regulations by the statutory deadline of December 23, 2017. The Act will then take effect when directed by the President, but no later than January 1, 2019.

So tells us Lawfare.

U.S. practitioners may get to hear some further explanation if they attend the 5th Joint Appellate Advocacy Training, Rosenthal Theater, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Arlington, VA, 18 September (particularly the 0900 presentation on the 19th-vamos a ver).  Email me at for the flyer and information.

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