
Monday, October 24, 2016

Then there's the Mounties

Here is a letter to the editor of the Regina Leader-Post from Stew Fettes, president of the Regina Civil Liberties Association:
The Canadian Forces is pondering the idea of those accused of military sex crimes being tried in civilian courts rather than in a court martial. 
What that means is those accused of atrocious acts will go to a public trial. If convicted, they will feel the wrath of Canadians, the embarrassment that goes along with it, fines, jail time and other penalties. 
The old paramilitary organization we call the RCMP should also switch to a civilian process. Canadian taxpayers are currently on the hook for $100 million to settle class-action lawsuits against the RCMP for decades of alleged bullying, discrimination and harassment by male RCMP members against hundreds of their female counterparts. 
In future, RCMP members accused of such acts also should stand trial in a civilian court rather than have the RCMP investigating the RCMP. Let those convicted also feel embarrassment and suffer the legal consequences. 
A public trial that treats these “public servants” in the military and RCMP like all other Canadians are treated by the rule of law would be a powerful deterrent to such behaviour.
Prompted by Mr. Fettes's letter, the Editor found this page on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police website, concerning discipline, which in turn led to this site showing scheduled disciplinary hearings. 

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