
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Stop what you are doing and read this essay

Prof. Gregory D. Foster
Prof. Gregory D. Foster of the National Defense University has written this alarming Huffington Post essay about civil-military relations in the United States. He pulls no punches. Excerpt:
As an institution, the military is accorded carte blanche authority to possess and wield violence on behalf of the state. It is also a mammoth social institution that reaches deep into American society and many other societies worldwide. It thus is tacitly expected to comport itself in a socially responsible manner and its members to demonstrate professionalism in their conduct. And yet the pervasive, long-term misbehavior of those in uniform is striking, even alarming. This is where civilian subjugation to the military manifests itself most glaringly, and where the lack of a willingly accountable, self-policing military comes most clearly into view. 
Each year for at least the past two decades, literally hundreds of incidents have occurred that undermine any claims the military might make to moral superiority: atrocities, corruption and bribery, fraud and waste, sexual misconduct, cover-ups, racial and religious persecution, and acts of cultural intolerance. Moral arrogance is in abundant supply among those in uniform, genuine moral superiority in short supply. . . .
Whether you agree with Prof. Foster (a West Point alumnus) or not, this is must reading.

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