
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Website of interest

Readers with an interest in gendarmeries and constabularies may want to study the website of FIEP, the Association of European and Mediterranean gendarmeries and police forces with military status. According to the organization's website:
At present the FIEP consists of the following Members: 
Gendarmerie Nationale, France (1994)
Arma dei Carabinieri, Italy (1994)
Guardia Civil, Spain (1994)
Guarda Nacional Republicana, Portugal (1996)
Jandarma, Turkey (1998)
Koninklijke Marechaussee, The Netherlands (1999)
Gendarmerie Royale, Morocco (1999)
Jandarmeria, Romania (2002)
Gendarmerie Forces, Jordan (2011)

Some Forces, which do not meet the geographical requirements, are Associate members: 
Gendarmeria Nacional, Argentina (2005)
Carabineros de Chile, Chile (2005)
Lekhwiya Forces, Qatar (2013)

Finally, two Forces recently joined the association as Observers: 
National Guard, Tunisia (2015)
National security Forces, Palestine (2015)

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