Sen. Chuck Grassley |
Chuck Grassley (R.-IA)
had this to say today about the Military Justice Improvement Act, which he co-sponsored last year:
Q: What can be done in Congress to move society in the right direction on this issue [sexual violence]?
A: For starters, I am supporting a pair of measures that would address two broken systems of justice found on our college campuses and within our military institutions. First, a flawed reporting system on college campuses requires a stronger set of tools that would help survivors of sexual assault and also protect the rights of the accused. . . . Likewise, every young man and woman who serves his or her country in uniform deserves to know that sexual assault is a crime and will be treated and prosecuted as a crime. In the last Congress, I co-sponsored the bipartisan “Military Justice Improvement Act” with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand that would empower enlisted soldiers and sailors to come forward and report a sexual crime. It would create an independent system of justice within the ranks of the military. It would remove the chain of command from prosecutorial decisions regarding sexual assault. The fear of retaliation and retribution in the military has failed too many survivors of sexual assault. The current system has contributed to an effect that emboldens predators instead of empowering victims. Barring access to fair and impartial justice pours salt in the wounds of those who have suffered immeasurable indignity and harm while serving their country in uniform. I will continue working to advance bipartisan measures through Congress to send a clear message. Sexual assault is a crime. The sooner our culture and systems of justice on college campuses and in the nation’s military work together to deter, prosecute and stop sexual violence, the safer our society will be for America’s sons and daughters growing up in the 21st century.
Sounds like he's still very much on board.
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