
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Slow progress to military court in Guinea

This article from Guiné discusses the slow course of military justice in Guinea. Two senior officers held for 40 months without trial have been awarded damages by a civilian court. The military courts have not been operational:
In July 2013, the government pretended to establish a military court, since the first 27 Military Justice officers (gendarmes and military) were sworn in on July 8 at the Conakry Appeal Court in the presence of judges and officials of the country's military and paramilitary high commands. A two-month training course is supposed to be provided to them at the National Gendarmerie School at Sonfonia (Conakry) by specialized military magistrates. But it's only a year later that UNDP will popularize the Code of Military Justice, through a training workshop for 24 military judges. In fact, this training was held from 23 to 25 July 2014 in Kindia, 12 months after the swearing in. [Rough Google translation]

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