
Saturday, December 20, 2014

SEDENA lets contract for recording Mexican military court trials

The Mexican military has let a contract for audio and video recording of military court proceedings. According to a vendor press release:
VIQ reseller Dyntra, S.A. de C.V. ("Dyntra") has been awarded a contract for digital audio and video capture and management by the Mexico Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional ("SEDENA") military courts in Tijuana and Villahermosa, Mexico.
Under the terms of the contract, VIQ will supply SEDENA with digital audio and video recording software and hardware for military courtrooms in Tijuana and Villahermosa. VIQ's customizable software interface allows SEDENA to run the software in their native Spanish and uses a VIQ Central Server for centralized storage of audio, video and notes from multiple courtrooms.
The initial installations are part of the overall modernization of federal criminal justice centers across Mexico. SEDENA is locally supported by Mexico-based VIQ reseller Dyntra, a leader in sophisticated audio and video capture with a special focus on the courts and police markets. Dyntra anticipates up to 19 total courthouses will be involved in this modernization project, with the further expectation of adding VIQ's NetScribe and AccessPOINT web-based applications.
"SEDENA and the Mexican military courts are part of VIQ's initiative to tackle complementary market verticals and emerging geographic regions," says Sebastien Pare, President of VIQ Solutions. "Recent federal legislation has made Mexico's digital audio and video court recording standards among the most progressive in the world. With a sophisticated local partner like Dyntra, we are able to further expand into Mexico, a key target region for VIQ, and actively market and sell VIQ's robust digital recording solutions to the courts and across new market sectors."
VIQ Solutions is based on Ontario. 

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