
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dissolution of court demanded in indelible indelible ink case

Maj. Zaidi Ahmad, RMAF
Readers who are following the case of Royal Malaysian Air Force Major Zaidi Ahmad will recall that he faces only two charges in the indelible ink case. Now a new issue has emerged: did the president of the court-martial post an online comment indicating bias towards the accused:
[Col.] Saadon [Hasnan] had allegedly responded to a news report by saying that Zaidi should be a rubber tapper if he didn't like being in the military.
The courtroom turned chaotic as [Mohd] Hanipa [Maidin] argued his case for the panel's dissolution, with Saadon banging on the table.
"Sudahlah, duduk (enough, sit down)," the presiding officer said.
Saadon allegedly made the comment using a Facebook account under the name Saadon Tson.
The comment was in response to an article "Peguam: Kesalahan Mejar Zaidi hanya kerana berani" (Lawyer: Major Zaidi charged for being courageous) published on Malaysiakini in its Bahasa Malaysia section on October 20, 2014.
The user named Saadon Tson had said: "klu tak nak jd tentera duk kampung motong getah je" (If you don't want to be in the military then stay in the village and tap rubber).
Hanipa said the defence team had made an online search last night but found that the comment had "disappeared" along with the Facebook account.
Hanipa said the comment was noticed after Zaidi had lodged a complaint with the number one commander of the Air Force Division at Air Force headquarters in Sungai Besi on the same day of the article's publication.
Postscript: the question has been referred to the convening authority, according to news reports here and here.

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