
Friday, October 24, 2014

Colombian recruiting roundups criticized

This El Nuevo Dia op-ed compellingly describes the Colombia Army's roundups of youths who cannot produce their military registration card. The practice was forbidden in 2011 by the Constitutional Court but continues to be employed. From the op-ed:
Nor can the military authorities take citizens to the barracks or military districts, hold them for long periods in order to force them to sign up, subject them to medical tests, cut their hair and if they are suitable enlist and transfer them to combat zones. We understand that military service is a duty of every male citizen who meets the requirements. However, it is the duty of the State and its institutions to defend and guarantee human rights, human dignity and the individual freedom. Therefore, in no event can a citizen be detained by the army in a raid, whether or not he has his military registration card. [Rough Google translation]

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