
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Will Brazil finally have to implement alternative service?

Portal Bragança has a lengthy article about a case in which the Brazilian Supreme Court concerning alternative national service for conscientious objectors. Very few Brazilians claim conscientious objection, and those who do are apparently simply released from military service rather than having to perform alternative service. According to the article:
The Federal Supreme Court (STF) must, in the coming months, give the final word on implementation of alternative service to military service for Brazilians who claim political, philosophical or religious reasons for being exempt from barracks activities when they turn 18. The "imperative of conscience" is a right established by the Constitution since 1988, regulated by law since 1991, and specified in Ministerial Order since 1992, but to date has not been properly implemented.
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The prosecutors want the Army, Navy and Air Force [-- in addition to implementing alternative service --] to inform society about the right of every young person subject to mandatory service to claim conscientious objection at the time of enlistment. To do so, they say, the government should dedicate at least 30% of the advertising inserts in newspapers, radio and television, and post signs in all military recruiting stations in the country. The MPF [Federal Public Ministry] also claims that during the enlistment process, young people should be asked about possible conscientious objection that would preclude their performance of military service. [Rough Google translation.]

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