
Friday, July 18, 2014

Former top sex offense prosecutor reprimanded

The Washington Post reports that the U.S. Army's former top prosecutor for sex offenses has been reprimanded. Details remain murky, but one can only assume we'll learn more from leaks.

1 comment:

  1. This is sad. I had, and continue to have, a high opinion of Jay Morse's character. I'm not privy to the evidence, but given the reported nature and timing of the accusations, it seems highly unlikely that there was enough evidence (or any, outside of one person's testimony) produced to prove that more likely than not he had committed misconduct. Without more information, it is hard to see this as anything other than Army leadership taking the most politically palatable course of action--punishment without an opportunity to cross-examine or fully air the evidence. The presumption of guilt is strong and causes real harm.

    As I said, I am generally biased in favor of LTC Morse and I have no idea who his accuser was.


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