
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer reading en français

For francophone readers, your summer reading list might include André Bach's Justice Militaire 1915-1916. A sequel to Fusillés pour l’exemple, 1914-1916, this volume is, according to Valerian Milloz's review in Politique étrangère, "a fundamental tool for anyone interested in military justice and the coercive and punitive power of the State." The central question is why French military justice became much less deadly after the first two years of World War I. Among other things, the book examines the struggle in Parliament beginning in October 1915 to expand the rights of the accused in courts-martial, resulting in the Act of April 27, 1916 on the functioning and powers of councils of war and the Decree of June 8, 1916, which authorized applications for review of death sentences.

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