
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Minister Rocha to assume presidency of STM on Monday

Min. Maria Elizabeth Rocha
Consultor Jurídico reports (rough translation):

For the first time in its 206-year history, the Superior Military Tribunal of Brazil will be headed by a woman. Minister Maria Elizabeth Rocha Guimarães Teixeira will be sworn in next Monday (16/6) at a ceremony before the full court in Brasília, scheduled for 5:00 p.m. Minister Fernando Fernandes will assume the Vice-Presidency.

Maria Elizabeth Rocha will complete the term of Minister Raymundo Cerqueira, who has retired. She was also the first female minister to be appointed to the military court, in 2007, occupying one of the three seats reserved for lawyers. She will serve until March 2015.

A major project for the STM will be scanning the court's files. "Historians, political scientists, scholars and jurists have here a source of study that is extremely rich and available to anyone. Scanning will provide public access to important cases in the history of Brazil. This is the first way to disseminate this ancient and little known body of law," she said.

The minister also intends to fight for the inclusion of a representative of Military Justice on the National Council of Justice. "It was an inexcusable oversight when the 45th Amendment did not include the court in the composition of the CNJ, but subjected it to their rulings, which seems absolutely unconstitutional." She also hopes to promote changes in the Military Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes.

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