Saturday, September 8, 2018

1st person account: sexual assault

The New York Times Magazine has run this account by Justin Rose of his experience as the victim of sexual assault while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. He writes:
Long after the attack itself is over, you’re left dealing with all the toxic doubts and self-blame that come with being sexually assaulted. I fought with the idea that I somehow invited this upon myself, that I deserved it or was somehow to blame for the assault. It stripped away my confidence and degraded the trust I had in my fellow Marines. I questioned the values that I first bought into when I became a Marine: the belief in honor, courage and commitment that was instilled by our drill instructors. I didn’t immediately confront my attacker face to face — so where was my courage or honor? How would I react to real combat? Where was the commitment from my fellow Marines, when I needed support in the aftermath of the attack? Would they be there for me if I needed their help on the battlefield one day?
Justice eventually came to the assailant, as you'll see, but it took a long time. 

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